Madisonville Municipal Airport, an unmanned general aviation utility airport, is located at 2194 Airport Lane, approximately 3 miles southwest of Madisonville off FM 1452. Its elevation is approximately 287 feet above sea level with a runway extending 3,202 feet (976 meters).
The Airport property accommodates Runway 1/19, hangar access taxiways, and aircraft tie-downs. The airport is situation on 40 acres of land owned by the City of Madisonville.
FAA Identifier
The FAA identifier for the Airport is 51R (Five One R). The coordinates are N30.54.41, W95.57.06. The CTAF is 122.9 MHz.
Airport Services
The Airport services corporate, governmental, recreational, residential, student and private pilot activities. The airport continues to be an essential component in the economic development of the City of Madisonville and Madison County.
FUEL: Yes, LL100 and Jet A
LIGHTS: RC (122.9)
CTAF: 122.9 (M)
REMARKS: Terminal Building, Food/Lodging (4 MI), No Hangar Space, Public Approach