City Secretary
The City Secretary position, as required by Texas State Law, is appointed by the Mayor and City Council. Serving as a crucial intermediary between the public and the City Council, the City Secretary facilitates meetings, discussions, and deliberations. Furthermore, the City Secretary serves the public by overseeing the management and maintenance of City records, handling public information requests, and managing City elections.
Duties of the City Secretary:
- Holds the official City seal and attests the Mayor’s signature on all official documents
- Serves as the Records Management Officer
- Designated as the Public Information Coordinator
- Provides staff support to the City Council
- Publishes notice of Council and Board meetings and agendas, minutes, public hearings, and legal advertisements
- Oversees and administers City elections
- Coordinates the appointment process to City boards, commissions, and committees and administers oaths of office
- Assists other departments of the City